Let’s start with the basics. What exactly are ADD and ADHD?
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. At one time these were considered two distinct diagnoses, but now ADD is considered a type of ADHD. ADD is more correctly called Inattentive type ADHD.
ADHD is a medical term for a neurological condition present at birth, and usually diagnosed in grade school. About 11% of children and teens have ADHD. People with ADHD are generally easily distracted, disorganized, forgetful, and have trouble paying attention or staying focused. Some also have hyperactive tendencies, but not all. Symptoms of ADHD can vary in severity with different people, and it is sometimes difficult to diagnose.
Inattentive ADHD – Formerly Called ADD
People with Inattentive ADHD have trouble paying attention and staying focused. They are easily distracted, forgetful, often lose things, and make careless mistakes.. They do not listen well or follow instructions well. They have trouble organizing and prioritizing tasks, and trouble getting started or following through to the end. They may even avoid engaging in tasks that require sustained attention.
Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD
The symptoms of Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD are what people usually think of when they imagine someone with ADHD. When required to sit still, as in school, they squirm in their seat and fidget with their hands and feet. They don’t stay seated and run about the room, or climb on things. They seem to be constantly in motion. They talk excessively, blurt out answers, and interrupt others. They have difficulty playing quiet games, or waiting to take turns.
ADHD – General Information
More females have the Inattentive form of ADHD, while males tend to have the Hyperactive-Impulsive form. Males are more often diagnosed because Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD is easier to recognize and diagnose. There is also a type of ADHD called Combined ADHD, in which people have symptoms of both kinds of ADHD.
Some adults have ADHD but have never been diagnosed, especially when they have Inattentive ADHD. People think they are just lazy, careless, disinterested, and spacey. They may have gone through their entire childhoods and teen years believing these negative ideas about themselves, resulting in low self-esteem. They probably struggled through school and have problems with work because of their disorder. Although adults with ADHD can be helped, early diagnosis and intervention can help a child to understand and manage their ADHD symptoms.
Help for Teens with ADHD
Teens with either form of ADHD often struggle in school and fall behind. They may have low self-esteem and find it difficult to make friends. If their ADHD is more severe, they can find everyday life incredibly difficult. They need therapy and academic assistance.
A therapeutic boarding school can help teens with ADHD. They provide therapy to help teens learn how to manage life’s challenges with their ADHD symptoms. Qualified teachers, experienced with ADHD students, help teens to succeed in their classes and earn high school credits.
Sundance Canyon is a therapeutic boarding school for boys, which provides a safe, calm living environment in the beautiful setting of southern Utah. Students participate in individual, family, and group therapy, academic programs, and outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, swimming, kayaking, and camping. Teens can get a break from all the distractions and frustrations of their daily lives and concentrate on making their lives better.