Therapeutic, Educational, Trustworthy. Compassionate. Life-Changing.
When it comes to entrusting your struggling teen child to a program for behavioral issues, trust is the most important consideration. The past has revealed some frightful scenarios within the industry for troubled teens. In fact, the so-called ‘troubled teen industry’ has proven that harsh treatment, isolation, and extreme disciplinary approaches do not work and can actually inflict great harm on a child.
Sundance Canyon Academy is aware of the harmful methods used in past years which are purported to help young teens, and we wholeheartedly reject any such methods. We staunchly believe that kids deserve the opportunity to thrive and succeed. We are committed to methods that are proven, scientifically, medically, and psychologically to help young men.
Why Sundance Canyon Academy is Different?
Sundance Canyon Academy is a boutique style program that serves 16 boys within a program term. Unlike many programs, we prioritize connection, the opposite of addiction. This belief is woven into every part of what we do. From our yoga and mindset therapy to our specialized culinary arts teaching program, the boys are learning to connect and heal.
Sundance believes that the boys should be off campus connecting with the outside world as much as possible. Because we are small, we have the opportunity to do just that. Students have the opportunity to participate in our snowboarding program, fishing activities and hiking excursions. Because isolation is never a focus, it makes the transition to going home much easier.
Who We Are
Sundance Canyon Academy is located in Herriman, Utah. Our facility is fully licensed with a staff of certified professionals who are accomplished in the specialized training and professional treatment programs that are essential to individuals who work with youth.
Utah’s new regulatory legislation as of 2023, has created better laws and protection for kids enrolled in behavioral treatment programs such as Sundance. Additionally, Sundance Canyon Academy is grounded in mutual trust with a strong school-family relationship. The parents of our students trust in Sundance and that, in turn, greatly improves the child’s chances of thriving and remaining goal focused. We never subject our enrollees to exclusionary discipline. Strengthening relationships with families is key to every young man’s success, so we all work in tandem for that very goal.
Sundance Canyon Academy employs a variety of therapeutic approaches that include:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Mindfulness Substance Abuse Therapy (MBSAT)
For example, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) teaches that what we feel affects how we think and act. What we think affects how we feel and act. What we do affects how we think and feel. It helps young men learn to manage behavioral challenges and conquer emotional anxieties.
Our therapy focuses on both external and internal assets such as:
Family Support
Positive family communications
Service to others
Adult role models
Positive peer influence
Creative activities
Equality and Social Justice
Planning and decision making
Interpersonal competence
Cultural competence
Resistance skills
Conflict resolution
Personal Power
Sense of purpose
When parents ask questions about how we handle certain situations, we like to take the time to listen and respond. Here are a couple of examples.
Q: How do you handle my son if he refuses to comply with the program?
A: We believe in using natural and logical consequences. We do not use isolation rooms, but we do have a restraint system, which we are required to have and use only if physical safety is an issue. Our therapeutic and considerate approach is facilitated by our high staffing ratios. We believe that lasting motivation for change within your son is fostered by healthy relationships with peers, staff, and family.
Q: Are you a locked facility?
A: We are not a typical “lock-down” facility, even though the students may not leave. We prefer to call ourselves a “staff secure” facility. We have a minimum of 1 staff member to every 4 students, and are therefore able to spend valuable one-on-one time with those in need.
Why They Love Sundance Canyon Academy
"Sundance Canyon did not change me. I changed myself. Thank you for the opportunity and your help!" Alumni Student, MI
"Hey, thank you for all the time you spent with me. I feel like I have learned a lot and I’m applying the skills I’ve learned. Thank you from the Aloha State!" Alumni Student, HI
"We are so thankful to Sundance for their work to develop [our son] while he was at the program. We would also like to encourage current and future parents to trust Sundance, have faith and be patient because lasting change does not happen overnight. Previously, [our son] had a very difficult time trying to look ahead and plan things in advance. However, now he is able to look forward and discuss ideas (long-term planning) because he seems to be developing a longer-term outlook on life." Tom & Jenny P.
Get in Touch
Sundance Canyon Academy is a supportive, trustworthy environment where your child can grow, heal, and thrive. Our individualized approach, range of therapies, and strong family involvement will guide your child toward a healthier, happier future. Contact us for a free consultation at 866.241.3234 or go here for our application.